Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Takayama in Autumn

On Monday, the 22nd, my wife and I hit the road to Gifu. Or destination was Takayama, a city rich in history and dango fried mochi balls. We had a good time just walking around looking for temples we could see all around. The streets near the mountains were basically quiet and it was funny because we only saw foreigners going to those more distant temples, all the the regular tourists stuck to the main streets looking at the shops. There were a lot of people in the old part of town as this was a holiday for many people. Bus tours followed women with flags and I heard a jinriksha pull man explaining all of the different shops to a couple of Asians tourists in English. We wanted to get off the streets and ended up in a very cool place, Bagpipe Cafe, founded in 1981. The atmosphere was nice and so was the coffee. We never got a chance to try Takayama ramen, instead settling for soba and tempura in a local shop. Overall it was a nice change of pace. The town reminded me a lot of both Gujo Hatchiman and Nagahama with its dark wood buildings lining the streets, containing the same mixture of fancy shops and antique sellers.
As my wife mentioned in the last blog, we rode up the Tedori Canyon Road cycling path on the 23rd, a fun time and always good to get out and see the countryside.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Cycling Day

今日は白山市のTedori Canyon Cycling Road に沿ってサイクリングしました。
私たちの友人が木滑という旧吉野谷村に住んでいるので、今日は(も?)サイクリングの途中おじゃましてきました。ロビー&秋子 ロバートソンさん夫妻は、旦那様がカナダ人の宣教師で、奥様が沖縄出身の日本人です。つい先月軽井沢から引っ越してきたばかりなのです。2週間前もサイクリング途中でおじゃましたのですが、今日もまた行ってしまいました。いつも笑顔で迎えてくださり、とても居心地がよいので、迷惑かなぁ~と思いながらも「Hello こんにちはぁ」と行ってしまいます。
その帰りに、次は河内村にお住まいの、ジョン&満枝 マハーさん夫妻の家を訪れました。ジョン先生はアメリカ人の宣教師、満枝先生は日本人の宣教師というご夫婦で、お二人にはNathanが日本に来て以来ずーっとお世話になっています。ジョン先生は先日アメリカから1年半ぶりに帰国して、まだJet Lag(時差ぼけ)中でした。つらい時におじゃましてすいませんでした!ここでもやはり居心地がよく長居をしてしまい、結局帰りは雨に打たれながら野々市まで帰りました。でも、充実した一日でした。

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy, Oh so happy!

Hello there everyone,
It has been a good few weeks of demo lessons and meeting new people. Thanks all of you who came to see the school, we were happy to have you.
October is shaping up to be a busy, good, month with many kids classes. I will do my best to teach fun and useful lessons so that everyone can enjoy learning English.
Today my wife and I went to church, Nishi Seishyo Kyokai, and had a nice morning there. I grew up going to church every Sunday in America and feel it's an important part of my life.
I hope everyone out there is enjoying a sleepy wet Sunday afternoon!

Rainy Sunday


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Apple Crisp




 さて、今夜の我が家の夕食は、Spinach Tortelloni(ほうれん草のトルタリーニ)と、生野菜スティクをサワークリームディップでいただきました。最近サワークリームディップにはまっていて、登場回数が多発中。こってりさっぱりしていておいしいです。食後のデザートは、りんごがたくさんあったのでApple Crispを焼きました(下の写真)。久しぶりのApple Crisp。いよいよ秋の到来ですね!

Monday, September 15, 2008


 英会話スクール フォレストイングリッシュのブログをたちあげました!
はじめまして、Nathan Emeryの妻で、アシスタントを務めていますエモリ夏代と申します。

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wow, this is wonderful!

Thanks everyone for the encouragement!
The school has started well and students are already enjoying lessons on a regular basis. Our focus has really become kids classes and many people have called and are planning to take demo lessons. My wife and I feel blessed to be involved in the creation of a place people can trust.
Let's all jump into studying English!